
TextAbbrev.xsl — Makes sure that abbreviations are punctuated correctly after transclusion.


  • abbrevClassRef (URI) — a URI that identifies abbreviations. Default http://dbpedia.org/ontology/abbreviation.


An XML document. Any abbreviations whose punctuation needs checking must be marked up with ITS 2.0 text analysis attributes as described below.


An XML document, identical to the input except that abbreviations are punctuated correctly.


The stylesheet recurses through the document and copies each element. If any element has the attribute its:taClassRef='http://dbpedia.org/ontology/abbreviation', the stylesheet adds punctuation to the element according to the following algorithm:

  1. If the text within the element already ends with a full stop, the full stop is stripped off;

  2. If there is a full stop immediately following the element, the element is written to the output document with no following full stop; otherwise, the element is written to the output document with a following full stop.

This means that the abbreviation will be written out with just one following full stop. If you transclude the abbreviation at the end of sentence it will not end up with two following full stops.

To use the its:taClassRef attribute you must set its:version='2.0' on the element or on the containing document.


In DocBook files, this stylesheet matches abbrev elements as well as elements with the its:taClassRef='http://dbpedia.org/ontology/abbreviation' attribute. This may be removed in a future release.