
XlateMerge.xsl — Checks an XML document against an existing translation and a differential translation in the specified language and generates a new XLIFF file merging the two translations.


(Language | Xliff)  Diff
  • Language (string) — ISO language code,

  • Xliff (URI) — The URI of the original XLIFF file

  • Diff (URI) — The URI of the differential XLIFF file


An XML document. You must mark up the source document with:

  1. The xlf:id attributes which uniquely identify each translation string.

  2. Optionally, translation metadata, showing the location of the XLIFF files which contain the translations of the document — this is only required if you are not specifying the Xliff parameter explicitly.


An XLIFF document.


The stylesheet examines the source file for translatable elements. (A translatable element is one which has an xlf:id attribute and does not have the its:translate='no' attribute.)

For each translatable element, the stylesheet searches the differential XLIFF file for the translation unit with the same xlf:id. If found, and if the target of the translation unit has the attribute status='translated', this translation unit is copied to the output.

If the translation unit is not found in the differential XLIFF file, the stylesheet looks for the specified original XLIFF file, or if not specified, the XLIFF file that corresponds to the specified output language, according to the translation metadata.

If the original XLIFF file is found, the stylesheet searches for the translation unit with the same xlf:id. If found, this translation unit is copied to the output.

If the corresponding translation unit does not exist in the differential XLIFF file or the original XLIFF file, there is no output.

If the original XLIFF file is not found, there is no output.


In the output file, all trans-unit elements are contained in a single, flat file element. Any multiple file or group elements from the original or differential XLIFF files are not copied to the output file.